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Matt Jacobson Audio

Recording • Mixing • Production

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As an experienced engineer, I've had the opportunity to work on some amazing projects, including a #1 iTunes Album release. Working on all genres from rap to country, I always look for the best solution for each situation; after all, each artist has a unique perspective and workflow.


I specialize in tracking, as well as mixing & mastering. I am a certified Pro Tools User and am equally strong in Logic. I have worked on SSL, Neve, API and Fairlight consoles. Waves plugins are a staple to my workflow, and I am well versed in Antares Auto Tune & Melodyne.


In the end, my primary focus is to make sure all clients are happy with their mix and the finished product is top quality. For questions and rates, please contact me at​.








Who I Am 

To be honest, it's kind of a lame story, yet it somehow involves an odd conglomerate of events that created, what I'd say is a beautiful story. I got a late start in music; learning my first instrument at the ripe age of fourteen. And it all started with a threatening F in French Class. 


But we must travel back. I grew up in a family of musicians, rich in a background of musical theater. Every uncle I had was a fantastic singer; even my father sang. My older cousins sang, played instruments of all forms and when they got together, you could say we were a drunken theater troupe of sorts. 


I remember walking around my house at five years old, singing songs I had made up. Lyrics, although not written down, were often formulated and created in my head. I had a calling for music. My dad played some piano and some guitar. We had that casio keyboard that everybody had in the 90s. One day around the age of seven, I found my dad's old acoustic guitar and started fooling around with it. Somewhere along the line it went missing. 


Around the age of eleven I started asking for music lessons, but my parents weren't too keen on the idea of me playing an instrument. I begged. First, it was guitar. They denied it. Then, it was drums. I knew I could be a world-class drummer. Again, a no resonated from their lips. Then I asked for bass. At twelve, my friends and I started a band called Publik Cover-Up. Yes, a band without musicians. I was the bass player who didn't own or play a bass.


High school hit and well, I joined the cross-country team. Probably because I had no idea what the hell I was doing. Sports, Boy Scouts, Hebrew school... It all started to consume my life. Pretty soon the inkling of music vanished from the forefront of my mind. But my academics weren't keeping up with me. 


I was starting to fail French. My dad cut me a deal. He told me that he'd buy me a music program for my computer if I could get my grade up to a B. Suddenly that yearning to be a rockstar came back into my mind. I could actually make music!! So I tried my hardest and wound up getting a B in that French class. I was soon the proud owner of Music Maker Deluxe. I started using loops to make what I thought were the hottest beats in town. I had no idea what the hell I was doing, but I was having a ton of fun.


My parents noticed that my love for something special was actually helping me - Socially and academically. On my fourteenth birthday, my parents gave me a present that was wrapped and large enough to be what I could only guess was a guitar, and I was right. I received my first electric guitar... A crappy "Starcaster" from Coscto. To this day, I still play it. It happened to be one of those lucky ones that actually stood out in the batch. But there was a catch...





I had to teach myself.I practiced and practiced for hours on end. Every day after school, I came home to my guitar. I played for five hours a day. I started writing my own songs within a month. I knew I was gonna be successful. I started several of my own bands, but they of course crumbled. I picked up the acoustic guitar and started writing my own songs. By the time Spring semester rolled around, I was "the guy with the acoustic guitar" on campus.


I acquired my dad's Macbook Pro the summer after Freshman Year, and took it upon myself to start recording my own stuff. By the end of the summer, I probably had close to twenty songs. 


As I continued my endeavour into music, I started experimenting with other genres using DAW's such as Fruity Loops and Garage Band. Rap, electronica, experimental (whatever the hell it is... Oddly enough, I enjoy that stuff!)


Fast-forward a few years... I wound up going to college to become a third grade teacher. I finished my degree and found out that I didn't want to teach afterall. I continued my search for my true passions. I interned at a advertising agency for a little bit, and again kept finding my heart wandering back to music. After some time off, I decided to go to recording school. 


I went to Los Angeles Recording School, located in the heart of Hollywood. I studied a variety of topics and got the chance to work on state-of-the-art equipment, including SSL, Neve, and Digidesign boards. Less than a year into school, I sought out my own internship with a company called Electric Feel Management.


EF specializes in managing producers and writers to create top-notch number one radio hits with pop and hip-hop artists. Lucky for me, there was not in-house engineer and within a month I was on the API console, working with fantastic talent. Through the year I found myself working with A-List writers and producers. 


The very first project I was asked to work on was tracking vocals for Mike Stud, who wound up with a #1 debut album on iTunes, beating out Mackelmore & Ryan Lewis. I was lucky enough to track vocals for Batter Up on his album Relief


I have been working with Electric Feel for close to a year now, tracking and mixing records. In addition to tracking with EF, I work with my own clients, ranging from mixing singles to full production, mixing, & mastering. 

(Beware! It's a long, but passionate passage!!!)

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